OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, regional, state and federal grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Environmental Education, Education, Civic Engagement
Deadline: Nov. 4, 2019
“Whale Tail grants support programs that teach California’s children and the general public to value and take action to improve the health of the state’s coast and ocean. Adopt-A-Beach programs, as well as other beach maintenance and coastal habitat restoration projects that have an educational component, are also eligible for these grants. Whale Tail grants focus on reaching communities that are poorly served in terms of marine and coastal education.
The Whale Tail Grants Program will fund projects that fall into any one of the following three categories:
- shoreline cleanup and enhancement programs (such as Adopt-A-Beach);
- youth education programs;
- programs for educating the general public.
In addition, applicants have the option to request funding under two special subcategories:
- projects addressing climate change as it relates to the ocean or coastline; and
- grants for organizations with annual operating budgets of $500,000 or less, that are working with underserved communities.
The Whale Tail Grants Program focuses on education about coastal and marine environments. If a project will take place in an inland area or on a bay, the proposal should address how the project includes coastal and marine educational content, including a description of how the connections between bays or inland areas and the coast and ocean will be emphasized.”
Funder: California Coastal Commission
Eligibility: “Applicants must be either a non-profit organization, school or district, or a government entity.”
Amount: Up to $50,000
Contact: Link.
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