GRANT FOCUS: Education, PreK-12, Environmental Education, Youth Gardens, Agricultural Education
Amount: Up to $2,000
Deadline: Aug. 9, 2019
“[The funder] will award grants in 5 categories, totaling up to $60,000 in support of Maine agriculture education in grade levels pre-kindergarten through 12 as a direct result of the Maine Agricultural Specialty License Plate. Suitable projects will promote an understanding of the food and fiber system in the state and the nation through the infusion of agricultural concepts into Pre K–12th grade level curricula.”
Funder: Maine Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC)
Eligibility: “Funding will be available to nonprofit organizations within the state of Maine or serving students within the state of Maine. Matching contributions are encouraged and may consist of; use of facilities, volunteer time, in-kind contributions, community involvement, salaries, etc.”
Contact: Link.
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