GRANT FOCUS: Physical Activity, Child/Youth Health, Child/Youth Development, OST
Amount: Unspecified
Deadline: June 15, 2019 | Oct. 15, 2019
“This funding opportunity will support organizations to provide quality, structured physical activity in out-of-school time settings (including before school, after school and summer programs) to children and youth ages 4 to 18 through safe and affordable programs. We will consider proposals for up to two years of funding. Proposed projects must reflect the Foundation’s cornerstones, as our work is grounded in serving Coloradans who have low income and historically have had less power or privilege, putting the creation of health equity at the center of everything we do, and being informed by the community and those we exist to serve.”
Funder: The Colorado Health Foundation
Eligibility: Organizations eligible to apply include those that:
- Currently operate an established out-of-school time program (before school, after school or summer program) with a structured physical activity component for children and youth ages 4 to 18. In this case, funds may be requested to maintain or enhance existing structured physical activity components.
- Currently operate an established out-of-school time program (before school, after school or summer program) but do not have a structured physical activity component. Funds may be requested to incorporate structured physical activity as a new component of an existing out-of-school time program for children and youth ages 4 to 18.
- Are starting up a new out-of-school time program in a rural or frontier county (contact the program officer about eligibility) where few or no out-of-school time programs exist. Funds may be requested for startup or pilot phase programs. Such programs must include a structured physical activity component for children and youth ages 4 to 18.
Contact: Link.
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