
TX Youth Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Grants

Subject: Health, Child Welfare, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Childhood Obesity
Deadline: Oct. 15, 2018

“The goal of the Oliver Foundation is to encourage children, families and communities in Texas to improve the eating and physical activity patterns of Pre-school, Elementary, Middle School and High School students.

Healthy Choices Grant Level 1:
Level 1 grants are awarded for a single school year (two or more semesters) or a summer program. Campus level, Grade Level, Teacher and Summer Programs that meet the minimum requirement of 3 of the 7 Healthy messages will be considered for Level 1 funding. A physical activity and nutrition educational component are required as two of the three Healthy Messages. Including more than 3 of the Healthy Messages is encouraged. All programs must have a sustainability plan. For those grants that are purchasing equipment or supplies that are on an annual renewal basis, the grant must include a plan to renew said equipment/supplies for subsequent years.

Healthy Choices Grant Level 2:
Level 2 grants are awarded for a two-year (4 semesters) or longer program that includes a minimum of 5 of the 7 Healthy Messages. A physical activity and nutrition educational component are required as two of the 5 or more Healthy Messages. Level 2 grants are intended to create a long-term sustainable program at the campus level. All programs must have a sustainability plan. For those grants that are purchasing equipment or supplies that are on an annual renewal basis, the grant must include a plan to renew said equipment/supplies for subsequent years.

Teen Advisory Board Grant:
Teen Advisory Board Grants (TB) are available to middle and high school campuses that are interested in implementing a TB at their school. A Teen Advisory Board is a group of diverse students that have a passion for creating a sustainable healthy campus environment, be involved in community service events and can mentor younger students. Oliver Foundation Staff and TB will provide training and assist in the implementation of this grant. A school sponsor is required for this group and will complete the grant application.”

Funder: The Oliver Foundation
Eligibility: “Grants will be awarded to Texas non-profit organizations, agencies and schools that demonstrate the greatest need and likelihood of a sustainable impact on children’s nutrition and activity levels through innovative programs.”
Amount: Level 1 Grants: $750 – $3000 | Level 2 Grants: $3,000 – $5,000 | TB grants: $500
Contact: Link. 

>>> CLICK HERE to see all of Youth Today’s GRANT LISTINGS

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