Subject: Child/Youth Health, Food, Food Access, Nutrition
Deadline: Nov. 26, 2018
“This Request for Proposals (RFP) announces the availability of funds to establish one or more new cooperative agreements for FYs 2019-2021 for the purposes of developing a training curriculum, conducting trainings of trainers, and evaluating the results of farm to school trainings for producers to build their capacity to launch or expand farm to school efforts. In addition, the selected applicant will conduct a needs assessment among producers in close collaboration with State agencies (SAs).
FNS expects to fund one or more competitive cooperative agreement award of approximately $1 – 2 million. This project will prepare State agencies, and perhaps additional entities, with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the developed trainings in their states among agricultural producers (farmers, fishers, or ranchers) on key farm to school topics. This award is contingent upon the availability of funds. FNS may fund this project, in whole or in part, without further competition, in this or subsequent fiscal years. FNS anticipates the period of performance for this project will be 3 years.
FNS intends to select an accredited public or private institute of higher education, a research or training institution, a non-profit organization, or a for-profit company that has an established producer and SA network and/or have successfully implemented training initiatives with a producer or school focus on a national level. The selected applicant will conduct a needs assessment, work with FNS national office and regional office staff to develop curricula and disseminate the trainings and resources.”
Funder: Food and Nutrition Service
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, small businesses, for profit organizations other than small businesses, others.
Amount: Up to $2,000,000
Contact: Link.
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