Subject: Child/Youth Welfare, Bereavement, Mental Health, Family Support, Counseling
Deadline: July 26, 2018
“Since 2008, the New York Life Foundation has been an active champion and the largest funder of the childhood bereavement field, dedicated to increasing awareness of this important issue; supporting initiatives serving bereaved youth and their families; and growing the capacity, network, and sustainability of this field. In 2011, the Foundation started the Grief Reach Grant program in partnership with the National Alliance for Grieving Children (NAGC) to expand the reach and access of local bereavement programs and services to underserved youth. There are two funding opportunities: Community Expansion Grants and Capacity Building Grants for agencies that provide bereavement support services to children and teenagers.
- Community Expansion Grants – This is the sixth year that Grief Reach has offered community expansion grants. These grants are intended to fund program expansion to include bereaved children and teens not currently served by existing services.
- Capacity Building Grants – This is the third year that Grief Reach is offering capacity building grants. Capacity building grants will allow nonprofits to secure the professional and timely assistance necessary to enhance organizational capacity and address important issues of organizational development and effectiveness.”
Funder: The New York Life Foundation and the National Alliance for Grieving Children (NAGC)
Eligibility: Private, nonprofit U.S. based organizations, with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Schools may apply as long as they are serving bereaved youth.
Amount: Community Expansion Grants: $15,000 or $50,000 or $100,000
Capacity Building Grants: $10,000
Contact: Link.
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