
Youth Substance Abuse Treatment Services Grants

Subject: Substance Abuse, Youth Health, Youth Welfare
Deadline: Apr. 10, 2018

“The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018 Enhancement and Expansion of Treatment and Recovery Services for Adolescents, Transitional Aged Youth, and their Families grant program (Short Title: Youth and Family TREE).

The purpose of this program is to enhance and expand comprehensive treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for adolescents (ages 12-18), transitional aged youth (ages 16-25), and their families/primary caregivers with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders. The population of focus is adolescents and/or transitional aged youth and their families/primary caregivers with SUD and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (hereafter known as “the population of focus”). Based on need and identification of traditionally underserved populations, applicants may choose to provide services to adolescents and their families/primary caregivers, transitional aged youth and their families/primary caregivers, or both populations and their families/primary caregivers. Applicants that select transitional aged youth may choose a subset of this population of focus (e.g., ages 16-18, ages 18-21, ages 21-25). Applicants will be expected to identify and reduce differences in access, service use, and outcomes of services among females and racial and ethnic minority populations to address health disparities.

SAMHSA recognizes that effective and quality treatment for adolescent and transitional aged youth includes age and developmentally appropriate evidence-based assessments and practices. In addition, SAMHSA recognizes that family/primary caregiver involvement in the adolescent and transitional aged youth’s treatment is a key factor in effective treatment and recovery programs. The recipient will be expected to provide a coordinated multi-system family centered approach that will enhance and expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment, including early intervention, and recovery support services to the population of focus.”

Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Eligibility: Domestic public and private nonprofit entities.
Amount: Up to $541,350
Contact: Link. 


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