
Underserved Child/Youth Vision Screening Access Program Grants

Subject: Child/Youth Healthcare, Healthcare Access, Child/Youth Welfare
Deadline: Mar. 26, 2018

The purpose of this program is to fund a national entity to support state efforts to implement evidence-based and promising early childhood vision screening, follow-up, and surveillance protocols by providing technical assistance, tools, training, and opportunities for information sharing and learning. Recipients will, in partnership with families and caregivers, provide state entities expert and peer guidance to support the development and replication of strategies that are adapted to meet the unique needs of underserved communities, and address systemic barriers to implementing comprehensive systems for delivering vision screening services to young children.”

Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration
Eligibility:Eligible applicants include public or private entities. Faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.”
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link. 

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