
Native Youth Development and Welfare Services Program Grants

Subject: Native Youth, Youth Development, Youth Welfare, Community Development
Deadline: Online Phase One Proposals – Mar. 8, 2017
Invited Phase Two Proposals – May 3, 2017

“First Nations began investing in Native youth by launching the Native Youth and Culture Fund (NYCF) in 2002 to partner with tribes, Native nonprofit organizations and Native community groups working in rural and reservation-based communities seeking ways to preserve, strengthen and/or renew Native culture and tradition among youth. First Nations believes that Native youth represent the future of Native communities, and that their health and well-being determine the future health and well-being of a community overall. By investing in youth and giving them a sense of place and tradition in the community, a community ensures that it will have bright and capable future leaders.

We are pleased to announce this 2017 Request for Proposals (RFP) for projects that focus on youth and incorporate culture and tradition to address social issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, mental health or other social issues. Specifically, we are seeking projects that focus on one or more of these four priority areas: (1) Preserving, strengthening or renewing cultural and/or spiritual practices, beliefs and values. (2) Engaging both youth and elders in activities that demonstrate methods for documenting traditional knowledge, practices and/or beliefs, where culturally appropriate. (3) Increasing youth leadership and their capacity to lead through integrated educational or mentoring programs. (4) Increasing access to and sharing of cultural customs and beliefs through the use of appropriate technologies (traditional and/or modern), as a means of reviving or preserving tribal language, arts, history or other culturally relevant topics.”

Funder: First Nations Development Institute – Native Youth and Culture Fund
Eligibility: “All entities that apply must be located in the United States or U.S. Territories and must be Native-controlled nonprofit organizations or Native-controlled community organizations. First Nations considers “Native-controlled” to mean that the majority (more than 50%) of the organization’s Board of Directors are tribally affiliated. Native community organizations may submit applications through a sponsoring organization if the sponsor has 501(c)(3) status and can provide written authorization confirming its willingness to act as the fiscal sponsor.”
Amount: $5,000 – $20,000
Contact: Link. 

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