
English Learning Education Personnel Development Grants

Subject: Education, Career/Job Training, ESL
Deadline: Feb. 19, 2016

“The National Professional Development (NPD) program, authorized by section 3131 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA), awards grants on a competitive basis, for a period of not more than five years, to institutions of higher education (IHEs), in consortia with State educational agencies (SEAs) or local educational agencies (LEAs). The purpose of these grants is to support professional development activities that will improve classroom instruction for English Learners (ELs) and assist educational personnel working with such children to meet high professional standards, including standards for certification
and licensure for teachers who work in language instruction educational programs to serve ELs.”

Funder: The U.S Dept. of Education
Eligibility: Institutions of higher education in consortia with State educational agencies or local educational agencies.
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link. 

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