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Environmental Curriculum Development Grants

Subject: Environmental Education
Deadline: Sept. 13, 2015

“The Foundation seeks to contribute to the development, implementation and/or field testing of environmental curricula that meet the mission, goals and requirements below. The mission of our grant program is to support educators in developing and implementing holistic environmental curricula that:

  • Integrate field activities and classroom teaching, and
  • Incorporate basic ecological principles and problem solving.

We have developed our grant program with the following goals:

  • To empower and encourage students to become involved in solving environmental and social problem
  • To promote thoughtful and appropriate analysis and understanding of the natural world
  • To train students as informed decision makers through the emphasis and application of basic ecological principles.”

Funder: Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation
Eligibility: Any organization is eligible to apply, including schools, non-profits, governmental agencies and others.
Amount: Up to $1,500
Contact: Link.

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