
The National Center on Employment and Homelessness (NCEH) – The Connections Project

Subject: Employment, Job Training, Homelessness, Youth Homelessness, Youth Employment
Deadline: Feb. 20, 2015 (Letters of intent due.)

“The Connections Project is a three year, place-based, systems-level collaboration and capacity-building invitation to communities nationwide. The goal of the Connections Project is to increase employment and economic opportunity for homeless jobseekers. The Connections Project Request for Proposals aims to identify, through a multi-phase competitive process, up to five Connections Project Sites that will plan, implement, and strengthen innovative systems collaboration ideas in order to meet the goal of increasing employment and economic opportunity for homeless jobseekers.”

Funder:  The Heartland AllianceNational Center on Employment and Homelessness (NCEH)
Eligibility: “Every Connections Project Site applicant team should have a single lead applicant and named partners working on the Connections Project idea. Connections Project lead applicants must be a legal entity validly existing, duly organized, and in good standing under the laws of the United States. Lead applicants may be tribal, regional, state, county, municipal, government, quasi-government and/or state or local non-profit organizations.”
Amount: Up to $125,000
Contact: Link.

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