Subject: Child Welfare, Education, Special Needs Youth, Youth Development, Mental Health
Deadline: Feb. 9, 2015
The purpose of this program is to ensure that parents of children with disabilities receive training and information to help improve results for their children.
Funder: Department of Education
Eligibility: Parent organizations. Note: Section 671(a)(2) of IDEA defines a “parent organization” as a private nonprofit organization (other than an institution of higher education) that– (a) Has a board of directors– (1) The majority of whom are parents of children with disabilities ages birth through 26; (2) That includes– (i) Individuals working in the fields of special education, related services, and early intervention; and (ii) Individuals with disabilities; and (3) The parent and professional members of which are broadly representative of the population to be served, including low-income parents and parents of limited English proficient children; and (b) Has as its mission serving families of children with disabilities who are ages birth through 26, and have the full range of disabilities described in section 602(3) of IDEA.
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link.