
Chesapeake Bay Trust – Green Streets Initiative

Subject: Civic Engagement, Environmental Education, Community Development, Safety
Deadline: Mar. 13, 2015

[The initiative provides] design and implementation funds for practices which enhance green spaces in communities, including implementing urban green stormwater practices, increasing urban green spaces, and replacing impervious surfaces with more permeable materials. One type of project that can include all three of these practices and increase a community’s sustainability is the “green street.”

A green street:
• minimizes impacts on the surroundings through a natural systems approach incorporating a variety of water quality, energy-efficiency, and other environmental best practices;
• integrates a system of stormwater management features to increase infiltration and/or filtration of runoff, reduce flows, and enhance watershed health;
• reduces the amount of water that is piped directly to streams and rivers;
• makes the best use of the street tree canopy for stormwater interception as well as temperature mitigation and air quality improvement;
• encourages pedestrian and/or bicycle access;
• provides an aesthetic advantage to a community.

Funder: The Chesapeake Bay Trust
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations, community associations, faith-based organizations and more.
Amount: Up to $30,000 for design projects.
Up to $75,000 for implementation projects.
Up to $20,000 for white papers.
Contact: Link.

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