
DJJ Security Breach Puts 100,000 Plus Young People and Employees At-Risk for Identity Theft

Image Courtesy of Flickr User FristleEarlier this month, Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) announced that the records of more than 100,000 young people and employees may have been compromised in a recent security breach.

On Jan. 2, the DJJ informed the Tallahassee Police Department that a mobile device containing sensitive information was stolen from a secured DJJ office. The device, although required by DJJ policy, was neither encrypted or password-protected, the Palm Beach Post reports.

The DJJ officially reported the security breach, to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on Jan. 11.

“This is an unacceptable lapse that could potentially expose youth and employees to identity theft,” DJJ Secretary Wansley Walters stated in a press release issued earlier this month. “We are working to determine who may be affected by the breach and make sure that all other devices with confidential information are properly protected.”

A similar security breach happened last September, when several computers containing sensitive DJJ information were stolen from an Orlando apartment complex. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the case is still under investigation, with a separate review of the incident undertaken by the DJJ.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Fristle.

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