Top Headlines: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Top Headlines for 9/19

Child Welfare

Alexis Clark of the New York Times reports on a New York camp that reunites siblings who are separated from each other by the child welfare system.

Katie Worth of the San Francisco Examiner reports on a study by the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, which is critical of The City’s effort to make reunification stick after removing children from their families temporarily.  Camp to Belong, a nonprofit, recently opened its first camp on the grounds of a bayside YMCA.

Two weeks after an audit found problems with Nebraska’s efforts to privatize much of its child welfare system, reports George Lauby of the North Platte Bulletin, the head of the Department of Health and Human Services has announced he will soon resign.

The state of Kansas is tightening up its requirements for people to qualify for some welfare programs, reports John Milburn of Business Week. As of Oct. 1, he reports, it will be tougher to qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funding, food stamps, and child care assistance.


The taxing schedule of many teenage students leaves many of them with a disrupted sleep schedule, reports Joyce Davis of the Loveland Reporter-Herald in Colorado.

Juvenile Justice

The strong relationship between juvenile probation and schools in Massachusetts is at the heart of the state’s success in keeping most of its offenders connected to the classroom, reports Scott O’Connell of the MetroWest Daily News.

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