Michael Connery
Ig Publishing
203 pages. $14.95.
As the 2008 presidential election looms, political activist Connery strives to dispel the myth that young voters are apathetic, describing the Millennial Generation (born 1978 to 1996) as optimistic, civic-minded team players. He says the “new infrastructure for young progressives” features culturally diverse outreach, new technologies, peer-to-peer networking and a penchant for social justice.
After cutting his teeth on Howard Dean’s campaign for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, Connery brings to the book his political scrutiny from the blogosphere (www.futuremajority.com), profiling progressive organizations founded by and for youth since 2004. Those include Drinking Liberally, the Oregon Bus Project, Campus Progress and the National Hip Hop Political Convention. These groups reflect the passion of Millennials for using interactive technologies to build community.
The writer notes that although Students for Barack Obama began in Facebook, social networking sites, cell phones, YouTube and blogs have not reached their full potential. Having marginalized youth for years, the Democratic Party has left Millennials to create their own emerging political avenues.
This perceptive analysis will enlighten adults about youths’ political engagement, serve as a rallying cry for young voters in November, and jumpstart dialogue between the generations. For anyone teaching youth about civics, this is sure to get their attention. (718) 797-0676, http://www.igpub.com.