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Archives: 2014 & Earlier

Violence Prevention for Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Creating a Positive School Climate

Diane de Anda
Research Press
Leader’s Manual: 106 pages. $34.95. Student Workbook: 44 pages. $39.95 (packet of 10).

This curriculum for grades six and up offers 10 sessions for classes and other groups, teaching strategies for managing everyday and risky situations. Participants practice the Calm Body Technique with the enclosed “Scanning Relaxation” CD. The Clear Mind Technique controls angry reactions by checking facts and meanings behind the actions of others. The Alternative Actions Technique develops new responses to potentially violent situations. Learning occurs through observation, personal response, surveys of friends and family, and role-playing.

The Leader’s Manual contains evaluations to be given before and after participation, theories, guidelines and step-by-step scripts. The Student Workbook provides worksheets, assignments, thought-provoking cartoons and reminders of techniques.

This accessible program can benefit all young people by increasing self-awareness and coping skills, while opening a dialogue about “peaceful living” and its alternative. (800) 519-2707,

Cathi Dunn MacRae, former editor of Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA), specializes in teen writing and reading.

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