► Reports

Multiple Choices After School: Findings from the Extended-Service Schools Initiative

Public/Private Ventures

The research in this report, conducted by Public/Private Ventures and the Manpower Demonstration Research Corp., examines Extended-Service Schools (EES), school-based programs that provide youth activities during non-school hours. Four after-school models were implemented in 17 communities, each involving recreational, cultural and academic activities.

The analysis concludes that the diverse programs improved youths’ attitudes towards learning, helped keep them out of trouble and made a difference in family relationships. Flaws within each model were addressed and corrected through trial and error, strengthening the models for future implementation. Summary, eight pages, $1; full report, 70 pages, $8.50. Public/Private Ventures, 2000 Market St., Ste. 600, Philadelphia, PA 19103. (215) 557-4400, www.ppv.org.

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