In his aptly titled book “Show Me the Evidence,” Ron Haskins demonstrates how nonprofits and community programs today must prove their value...
Media literacy is “more than urgent” says Erin McNeill, founder and president of the three-year-old nonprofit, Media Literacy Now, “in the current...
A group of 16-to 23-year-olds divided into five teams to create socially conscious technology — one group's smartphone app involved sexual harassment,...
Storytelling makes a difference for a youth organization, building capacity by going beyond data or too-brief, one-dimensional stories to engage audience’s emotions.
In between wilderness hikes and zip lining, teens attending the weekend Camp Mariposa® addiction prevention and mentoring program learn to recognize signs...
One afternoon last winter in Charlotte, North Carolina, school children came running into the ourBRIDGE for Kids after-school program.
When Urban Ventures launched CityKid Java nearly 15 years ago in Minneapolis, the community development nonprofit was just hoping to generate some...
Youth-serving organizations hope to reap the benefits of a new campaign to encourage more Americans ages 50 and older to volunteer in...
When teams of youth researchers — including youth themselves — from five cities set out to find what helps and what prevents...
"I was a club kid myself, and as the years went on, yes, staff continued to check in with me," said Tavari...
For the final time as first lady, Michelle Obama honored 12 after-school and out-of-school-time organizations at the White House for the eighth...
Timothy Parham of Youth Empowerment through Learning, Leading, and Serving Inc. explains what it means to him to be a mentor in...
Youth workers share stories of a time when they helped a young person through difficulty in this mashup video from the 2016...
An annual weeklong program at Auburn University benefits three groups: the high school students who attend, the young kids they work with...
What if a tool existed to make your after-school or summer youth program better? Would you get it and read the instructions?
Traveling to Canada as a little girl was life-changing for Arlesia Crooms, who is now the program manager of the Central Savannah...
After-school professionals stress the importance of youth feedback and how it is paramount to a program's success.
Diego Holguin is a 17-year-old high school senior who is very active in school.
Near a wooden “Death Row” signpost towering in an orange-lit fog, 25 young people huddled together, smiling and laughing.
Youth Worker Spotlight celebrates the unsung heroes in out-of-school programming.