Subject: Youth Welfare, Conflict Resolution, Counseling, Mental Health | Deadline: Feb. 14, 2018
Subject: Juvenile Justice, Youth Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Self-Harm, Mental Health, Youth Welfare, Safety | Deadline: Sept. 7, 2019
This new study from Child Trends describes the array of services available to foster youth in 47 states and territories until they...
Subject: Mental Health, Social Isolation, Youth Welfare, Youth Development | Deadline: Dec. 21, 2017
Subject: Child/Youth Welfare, Mental Health, Disabled Youth, Human Services | Deadline: Nov. 15, 2017 or Feb. 15, 2018
As “bathroom bills,” military transgender bans and elimination of protections for LGBTQ federal employees demonstrate, we are a long way from a...
At 7 a.m., teenagers are scurrying to dress and head to class. There are no parents or older siblings nearby to push...
Subject: Education, Youth Development, Mental Health, Community Development | Deadline: Nov. 15, 2017 (letter of inquiry); Dec. 15, 2017 (applications)
The New York City Department of Health used data from the 2015 New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey and findings from...
As fall rolls around, parents and young people are preparing for a new school year. So too are teachers, school...
The Juvenile Law Center recently released this new report which outlines the counterproductive nature and the great harm caused by the solitary...
Subject: Child/Youth Welfare, Substance Abuse, Childhood Obesity, Mental Health | Deadline: Aug. 1, 2017
Subject: Community Development, Health, Child/Youth Welfare, Substance Abuse, Drugs, Childhood Obesity | Deadline: July 31, 2017
Subject: Child/Youth Welfare, Mentoring, Mental Health, Youth Development, Sex Trafficking | Deadline: June 15, 2017
Subject: Youth Welfare, Minority Youth, Mental Health | Deadline: May 2, 2017
This new report from Measure of America presents findings gathered from the latest data about youth across the country who are neither...
Subject: Child/Youth Welfare, Family Support, Mental Health | Deadline: Apr. 10, 2017
Focusing the spotlight on creative youth. Explore Bokeh Focus' website and its always growing collections of photo essays, stories and videos by...
Finding ways to make a difference in the lives of users and their families. Explore our digital magazine with news stories, personal...
Subject: Child Welfare, Health, Mental Health, Youth Development | Deadline: July 15, 2017