"HRC Foundation and the University of Connecticut released the largest-of-its-kind survey ever of more than 12,000 LGBTQ teenagers across the nation, revealing in distressing...
Researchers at the University of Chicago's Chapin Hall recently produced this report showing the disproportionate struggles LGBTQ youth experience as they are...
Lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer youths have nearly double the risk of winding up homeless as their straight peers — and...
This brief from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation discusses the troubling state legislative push over the past several years to allow taxpayer-funded...
People who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and others of minority sexual orientations and gender...
Nearly one in 30 teens and one in 10 young adults experienced homelessness in the past year, a groundbreaking new study has...
Bobby Cagle, a former foster child and caseworker, is set to take over as head of Los Angeles Department of Children and...
Subject: Mental Health, Social Isolation, Youth Welfare, Youth Development | Deadline: Dec. 21, 2017
As “bathroom bills,” military transgender bans and elimination of protections for LGBTQ federal employees demonstrate, we are a long way from a...
At 7 a.m., teenagers are scurrying to dress and head to class. There are no parents or older siblings nearby to push...
Subject: Community Development, LGBTQ, Family Planning, Social Activism | Deadline: July 25, 2017
The Human Rights Campaign conducted exhaustive surveys of the largest known sample of LGBT youth ever (over 10,000) from across the country...
Subject: LGBTQ, LGBTQ Youth, Community Development | Deadline: June 30, 2017
An estimated 3,000 people gathered at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights for vigil Tuesday evening remembering the massacre in...
LGBTQ youth make up 5 to 10 percent of the 10- to 18-year olds in foster care. Culturally competent foster care addresses...
This new report from the Urban Institute shines a light on the risky world of LGBTQ youth involved in the commercial sex...
Most LGBTQ youth who trade sex for necessities or money they need to survive use protection to prevent sexually transmitted infections and...