The committee reviews maternal deaths and makes recommendations to improve care for pregnant women.
How many products exceed FDA recommendations? There's no safe level of heavy metal ingestion.
This brief discusses the unique vulnerabilities of children to environmental hazards.
‘My son needed something I couldn’t give.’ Surviving parents seek grief support for kids.
For decades Medicaid has paid for services in schools for low-income students.
The goal is to help prevent them from developing a health crisis or reoffending.
Medicaid covers nearly half of all births and health of all children in America.
Research doesn't support academic advantages of placing children with disabilities in general education classrooms.
LGBQ teen girls reported much higher rates of thinking about, planning and attempting suicide.
This ends programs, contracts and policies failing "to affirm the reality of biological sex.”
Kids with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder have explosive outbursts well past toddler age. Why?
A federal report discusses the access college students have to sexual/reproductive healthcare on campus.
The ‘bad kid’ diagnosis ‘greases the school-to-prison pipeline.’ This doctor offers anti-racist solutions.
It remains to be seen if, and how, the federal government will weigh in.
Parents with academically unmotivated and disengaged kids are often at their wits’ end.
Few families with premature babies receive the early intervention services they are eligible for.
Programs serving women and children would be hit particularly hard by a funding pause.
Children migrating alone rarely have access to help for navigating the immigration system.
Adolescents who show empathy toward their friends are more likely to become supportive parents.
Intergenerational care has cognitive and physical health benefits for both children and seniors.