My daughter called yesterday with some exciting news. She has decided to go back to school to be a social worker. I...
A horrific act of child abuse can be exploited as easily as a horrific act of terrorism. And when a child known...
The federal Health and Human Services Department should do more to reduce states’ reliance on group homes or institutions for youth in...
Senior counselor James Milan, Claremont Neighborhood Center, Bronx, N.Y.
James Milan entered foster care at age 4. “My childhood wasn’t the greatest,” he says wryly. “I was trying to figure out...
I go to the local Boys and Girls Club every Monday afternoon to pick up Amanda (children’s names have been changed) for...
Judges, caseworkers and child welfare administrators say an increase in heroin use nationwide is linked to a surge of kids into the...
The Affordable Care Act will cover foster youth who age out of foster care until they are 26 — unless they move...
Laticia Aossey was bounced around foster homes for years but was not prepared to have her health insurance cut off at the...
Several studies have shown a link between agencies that require social work degrees and lower turnover rates.
Legislation to curb over-reliance on psychotropic drugs in foster care could become a model for the nation
A New Jersey nonprofit resource center has been monitoring reforms in a number of states.
The wraparound model, a structured, creative and individualized team planning process, is far more accommodating to struggling foster youth than the traditional...
Thomas’s stay in residential care was only supposed to last a couple of days, but it proved to be the turning point...
New bill would fund preventive services.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is creating new pathways to health care for current and former foster youth.
For most 18- to 23-year-olds in the United States, trying to figure out life is enough of a struggle. But for the...
When I was in foster care, I knew very few other foster children. We had no support groups. I thought I was...
The traumatic changes children in foster care face often include disrupted schooling. They may have to change schools when they first enter...
We may be keeping children safe from physical harm, but are we paying attention to the impact on their brains, their mental...