Anthropologist Tina Lee immersed herself in the exotic culture of a child welfare agency, its folkways, “clients,” employees and contractors. She has...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation describes the education and employment barriers many foster youth face when leaving foster care and makes recommendations...
This new study from Child Trends describes the array of services available to foster youth in 47 states and territories until they...
Youth in the foster care system are leaving before they age out of the system, a new report finds.
Want to see how to pull the wool over the eyes of state lawmakers? Check out the testimony at a legislative hearing...
It has been said that what does not break you will make you stronger. Spirituality appears to be the mechanism...
The Chronicle of Social Change produced this first-of-its-kind report which details the growing problem of the national foster care housing crisis, in...
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to adopt an ambitious plan to divert thousands of the county’s youth...
In a previous column, I wrote about the federal law requiring states to make “reasonable efforts” to keep families together...
Anyone who truly knows me knows I'm not a very emotional person. They'll know I don't like expressing how I feel or...
California is attempting to switch to a victim-centered approach for its sexually trafficked youngsters. But...
Recently Youth Today published a column (“Pennsylvania County Has Wildly High Rate of Needless Child Abuse Investigations”) by Richard Wexler...
As “bathroom bills,” military transgender bans and elimination of protections for LGBTQ federal employees demonstrate, we are a long way from a...
It is child welfare’s equivalent of stop-and-frisk. It happens over and over again, it’s traumatic, it’s usually baseless...
Let me introduce myself, not as Dr. Dorsett, Ph.D., the researcher with professional wisdom to share, but as...
Nearly 700,000 American kids were found to be victims of abuse or neglect in fiscal 2015, and the public ought to...
In the early fall, I will complete my 11th year at Jobs for the Future and my 46th year working in the...
Suppose, hypothetically, you could gather in one room 333 former foster children. Now, suppose you asked how many of them had been...
Since 1851, The Children’s Village has been serving and caring for children and families. We have always had the very best intentions,...
Roughly two years after the homicides of two students prompted a congressional review of Job Corps, federal lawmakers continue to probe for...