This new report from the Center for American Progress highlights the shortage of Latinx teachers in American schools relative to the student...
Children and youth could see some gains under a bill that passed Congress early this morning, funding the government through March 23....
This brief from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation discusses the troubling state legislative push over the past several years to allow taxpayer-funded...
This new report from the National Home Visiting Resource Center brings together comprehensive data on the current state of childhood home visiting...
The latest edition of the annual KIDS COUNT Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides a comprehensive snapshot of the...
Subject: Juvenile Justice, Youth Welfare | Deadline: June 26, 2017
The Urban Institute summarizes and analyzes the effectiveness of the implementation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Juvenile Justice...
Subject: Juvenile Justice, Policy Reform | Deadline: June 29, 2017
This new report form the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) takes a comprehensive and statistical look at delinquency and petitioned status...
The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience produced this brief highlighting the latest findings in research on adolescent brain development...
The National Network for Youth outlines the severity of the youth homelessness epidemic across the country and shows how current federal policy...
The latest edition of Education Week's annual "Quality Counts" report focuses on the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) across...
This new report from the National Institute of Justice and the Harvard Kennedy School summarizes the ways in which the nation's current...
Commissioned by First Focus and authored by the Urban Institute, this new report details the recent changes in federal spending on children...
This report by the National Center for Juvenile Justice provides a nation-wide and comprehensive analysis of juvenile crime, victimization, and the juvenile...