Urban Institute & Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) This series of articles reflect the effects and aftermath of...
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago This study looked at family structure and household composition of families providing kinship care,...
Edited by Al DesettaYouth Communication123 pages. $12 paperback Placed in foster care at age 2, Lishoné Bowsky hardly knows her birth...
http://www.unh.edu/cpe New Hampshire’s Division for Children, Youth, & Families (DCYF) has teamed with the University of New Hampshire to offer employees...
http://www.childwelfare.gov/systemwide/laws_policies/state Users can search for state laws on child abuse and neglect, child welfare and adoption on this feature of the...
A threat by California to do an end-run around federal regulations that restricted funding for guardianship programs – even though the threat...
Long-awaited funding guidelines for the new $50 million Social Innovation Fund were announced Tuesday by the Corporation for National and Community Service...
The Senate confirmed more than two dozen nominees of President Barack Obama yesterday, including three leaders of family and child-serving agencies. Patrick...
Michelle Obama First lady Michelle Obama has found her issue of choice during her husband’s presidency: Just say no – to...
Photo: NN4Y More and more youths are knocking on the doors of homeless and runaway programs, but those programs have less...
A recent federal court ruling will limit the ability of child protection workers to interview suspected child abuse victims at school...
Hamel, Minn.(952) 288-3364http://www.sajaifoundation.org Objective: To teach children why to value and how to live a healthier life by encouraging them to...
By Lynne Miller As a parent advocate at a foster care agency, I worked with parents to help them reunify with...
By Serli Polatoglu, 16LA Youth, Los Angeles A few months ago, my father came home from work holding what looked like a...
California Endowment The California Endowment has compiled information about obesity prevention programs that work and found that the successful initiatives included after-school...
Teen pregnancy and abortion rates are on the rise, according to a new report, but it’s hard to know exactly why. The...
Twenty-six percent of adopted children have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 15 percent...
Members of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee introduced two bills last month that would encourage academic stability for...
An initiative to involve more Americans in hunger prevention was launched Thanksgiving week by the Corporation for National and Community Service,...
Correction: The article below incorrectly stated that in 2005, Chicago police accidentally killed a 14-year-old in a residential treatment center with a stun...