The Elian Gonzalez child custody case may thrill foes of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, but it may jeopardize the return of more...
By Amy Bracken Federal officials will start visiting state child welfare agencies to see how they’re serving kids, under a more stringent...
Homeless children and youth are often denied their right to attend public schools, according to this report funded by the W.K. Kellogg...
This study seeks to draw national implications from an eight-month study of educational obstacles facing homeless youth in four New England states:...
BY KAREN PITTMAN The new millennium is upon us. Reflection is required. What have we accomplished over the past few decades? We...
Bill Pierce, president of the 130-member National Council for Adoption (NCFA) since its founding in 1980 retired at year’s end. Pierce surely...
A Publication of the American Humane AssociationVol. 15, No. 2, 1999Available for $11 from Robyn Alsop, editor, (303) 792-9417, or This...
As if opening the paycheck isn’t depressing enough, a new report from the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) illustrates how poorly...
In a move heralded by child advocates, the U.S. Senate has given President Clinton unanimous consent to ratify a new treaty seeking...
Philadelphia—If every Hispanic girl in America thought like Sheila, it seems, perhaps they wouldn’t have the highest teen birthrate of any ethnic...
The focus of the adoption law passed last November makes it easier and faster for children to move out of the foster...
By Jennifer Durrence President Clinton’s comments at the White House Conference on Child Care last October offer a unique glimpse into his...