The National Academies This report summarizes presentations and discussions from a workshop where participants from various disciplines gathered to explore how the...
Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago Using a sample of young adults aging out of foster care and a nationally...
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Using data from a 2005 telephone survey of nearly 1,500 American youth ages 10 to 17...
Pediatrics, Vol. 119 No. 2, February 2007, pgs. 345-360 Abstract available at: A small media frenzy erupted last month over the...
National Center for Lesbian Rights, Free. “I won’t sit in the dark and be a hanger. The only things in the closet...
Georgia OrcuttTen Speed Press240 pages. $14.95. A nutrition guide and recipe book for parents and youth workers looking for healthy meal options...
Meredith KiralyHaworth Press163 pages. $24.95. A hiring guide for providers of residential care. The first of the book’s two sections gives a...
Solution to the ProblemWilliam L. FibkinsRowman and Littlefield Education219 pages. $24.95. An action plan for parents, school leaders and community activists to...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services200 Independence Avenue, S.W.Washington, D.C. 20201(202) 619-0257www.hhs.govSee: Compassion Capitol Fund FY 2006 (pdf) U.S. Substance...
When it comes to youth wellness, we’ve been having the wrong conversation. In a culture increasingly plagued by obesity, we’ve been obsessed...
A compilation of the reports from this issue.
Child Welfare: Improving Social Service Program, Training and Technical Assistance Information Would Help Address Long-standing Service-Level and Workforce ChallengesU.S. Government Accountability Office...
The number of child advocacy centers (CACs) in the United States today is 12 times as high as it was 12 years...
A compilation of the reports from this issue.
Rebuilding Families, Reclaiming Lives: State Obligations to Children in Foster Care and Their Incarcerated Parents The Brennan Center for Justice at New...
Gary Yates, president of The California Wellness Foundation, recently mischaracterized teen pregnancy, invoked destructive stereotypes that brand poorer mothers’ babies as “social...
When Daniele and Steve Baxter took over the Foster Parent Association of Washington State in 2004, the organization was in a tight...
While youth advocates have successfully lobbied in recent years for programs to expand health insurance coverage for poor children, insurance is not...
The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, signed by President Bush in July, was widely hailed as one of the most...
For decades, Marketa Gautreau railed against the quality of service provided to Louisiana’s abused and neglected children as CEO of Prevent Child...