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Human Services for Low-Income and At-Risk LGBT Populations: Research Recommendations on Programs for Youth.
This brief presents recommendations created as part of the Research Development Project on the Human Service Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Populations. The project identified the knowledge base and research needs related to LGBT people’s socioeconomic circumstances and risk and protective factors, their current participation in human services funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and strategies for serving these populations effectively.
Research facts and Findings.
A brief providing an overview of the research on young men’s sexual development as well as relational development.
Building Supportive Relationships in Afterschool.
Afterschool programs can help students develop knowledge to enhance academic success while also providing them with opportunities to develop social and problem-solving skills. This issue of SEDL Insights explores how afterschool practitioners can build strong relationships that benefit all stakeholders.
Preventing violence by
developing life skills in children
and adolescents.
Developing children’s life skills, improving their participation and performance in school and increasing their prospects for employment can help protect them from violence, both in childhood and later in life. This briefing outlines evidence of the impact of violence prevention measures that aim to develop life skills in children and adolescents. It focuses on five types of programmes:
The critical ingredient:
Caring youth-staff relationships
in after-school settings.
Although not fully appreciated, after-school settings represent fertile ground for the formation of strong intergenerational ties. Faced with fewer curricular demands than teachers, afterschool staff are often afforded unique opportunities to engage in the sorts of informal conversations and enjoyable activities that can give rise to close bonds with youth. This article describes how afterschool staff can further build upon these relationships.
Co-constructing Space for Literacy and Identity Work With LGTBQ youth.
Schools can often be heterosexist and homophobic institutions, affecting LGBTQ youth’s identity development. This study was an examination of literacy and identity work in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth engage in Story Time, a literacy group in a youth-run out-of-school time center for LGBTQ youth.