Just three words … three simple, yet powerful words when spoken by one of our OST program participants. “That’s not fair!” What...
I have been developing and facilitating workshops for a wide range of youth worker audiences for nearly two decades on...
Our country is divided on many issues, yet there is one issue that is very hard to argue against: the need to...
I had the privilege to bear witness to the vast beauty, power and resiliency of girls and women of color speaking their...
hunger, reduced-price meals, food, summer nutrition programs, migrant, low-income, Summer Meals Act, USDA, vacation, Food Research & Action Center
In the seconds following President Donald Trump’s ban of transgender individuals from the U.S. military, landmines of outrage and...
In a previous column about the harm done to battered women and their children by child protective services agencies, I told the...
Cockroaches, those infamous, hearty and adaptable bugs, can withstand hostile temperatures that few other...
Esteem. Eagerness. Engagement. Elation. Kids in custody become kids for a day. “Cat in the Hat” hats, beloved Dr. Seuss stories, pride...
When I arrived at the University of Alabama in fall 2015 I was immediately struck by both the magnitude of resources available...
At Graham Windham, a New York City-based child welfare agency, we have been developing a learning culture over time, an investment in...
Schools are finally noticing what youth programs have known for decades. The way kids feel about themselves and how they connect with...
For a mother of two daughters in Will County, Illinois, known in legal papers as Kelly, the morning of May 1 began...
It seems like a simple idea — listening to what students have to say. Schools do that all the time. What we...
Youth employment programs are one of the most effective ways to assist disadvantaged youth, especially those in the juvenile justice system, in...
The morning of May 11 saw a flurry of activity in our Midtown Atlanta office as Wiproites came in early or stayed...
A growing body of research, including work published here, documents harms of what is known as the school-to-prison pipeline. Evidence shows that...
Youth intervention is an essential service. Yet it goes unrecognized as such in public policy and budgeting decisions. This reality has coldly...
Our organization has just completed three straight years of doing our in-school violence and bullying prevention program in middle schools and high...
We have come to realize that sexual victimization is universal and not gender-specific, affecting both girls and boys.