Thanks to people like you who donated to our Center for Sustainable Journalism during 2018 NewsMatch, we raised more than $54,000.
Criticism is nothing new to people in the news business. If you have spent more than a day gathering it, writing it,...
After it happened, the beating, the arrest, the sudden violence on the way to school, the high school sophomore wasn’t the same.
Before the slaughter at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, The New York Times produced a powerful graphic showing the...
We were going to use this space to rant against those elected officials who would vote to kill off Big Bird by...
In the last issue of Youth Today, we took a stand against the haters who would divide us as one nation under...
Throughout our March-April 2017 print publication, which has a cover package of stories focused on LGBT youth, we have used the acronym...
Most of the time, it’s best to ignore outrageous statements. After all, if you tried to respond to every outrageous statement this...
A new administration in Washington means changes, no matter the party taking the White House.
On Jan. 20, our country will have a new president who was elected by fewer than half the voters in the U.S....
"I woke up this morning and felt ..." This is a chorus, a refrain I'm seeing on social media platforms of all...
The publisher of Youth Today, the Center for Sustainable Journalism, has had a long and meaningful relationship with our host institution in...