Advocacy groups and protesters rallied this weekend downtown in support of Jessica Colotl, whose Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status was recently...
Earlier this year, students in the High Desert Leapin’ Lizards after-school program in Kern County, California, got a glimpse of life on...
This new report form the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) takes a comprehensive and statistical look at delinquency and petitioned status...
As the gap between the nation’s poorest and wealthiest citizens has grown during the past four decades, so has the gulf in...
The case is a half-century old this week, a landmark decision that merged jurisprudence, common sense and fortunate timing to reshape juvenile...
The mother never wanted to talk in public about what happened to her son. For 24 years — since her then-17-year-old son...
Some youth-serving organizations in Mississippi are holding their breaths. They’re waiting to see whether $14 million dries up. That’s the amount currently...
The executive director of ProAct, an Indianapolis nonprofit, works with kids ages 10 to 18 to connect them with community projects so...
"Just because someone is driving without a license or ends up in jail for a minor traffic violation ... [they] should not...
Walter Isaacson - Kent McGuire - Colleen A. Kelly - John Goodwin - Tonya Allen - Barbara Wong
The Los Angeles County Office of Education boasts that scores of young people who were at risk of dropping out of high...
Civic Enterprises and the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University released the latest edition of this annual report examining the the...
Should youth incarcerated in California juvenile halls and camps be entitled to new underwear? Should family and friends be assured that their...
For 17-year-old Alejandro, dealing with anxiety has been a normal part of teenage life.
Millions of low-income kids just got a guarantee they’d have something to do this summer. And so did a cadre of educators...
Brittany Fisher grew up in the South End of Hartford, Connecticut, a tough neighborhood where gangs flourished. When she entered South Middle...
Struggling youth, especially those of color, face unique challenges in reaching their goals as they grow up, but according to the educator...
As after-school programs across the country fear loss of federal funds, a new report from the Government Accountability Office could muddy the...
Coreal Riday-White is an attorney working to hold the U.S. government and the oil industry responsible for climate change, a case that...
Just as President Donald Trump proposes yanking federal funds serving 1.6 million children after school, new reports show two ways inequality of...