The Forum for Youth Investment (FYI) recently named Michelle K. Massie as director of Opportunity Nation and Strategic Initiatives. Massie officially begins...
Steve Goodman’s new book, “It’s Not About Grit: Trauma, Inequity and the Power of Transformative Teaching,” challenges the focus on grit as...
Early on, many youth in foster care develop a certain resourcefulness that allows them to navigate thorny situations and push through layers...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation outlines an effective process to improve the quality and effectiveness of the child welfare workforce that can...
Celine Coggins, founder of Teach Plus, is the new executive director of Grantmakers for Education. She assumes the responsibilities of her new...
When Mamadou Diakite was a sophomore at a small Georgia public college, he lost his scholarship. Officials from the national science organization...
Can undocumented students go to college? Yes. No federal law prohibits the admission of undocumented students to U.S. colleges. But misinformation is...
The Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University looks at the unique challenges low-income students face as they work through...
The National YoungArts Foundation recently appointed Lauren Snelling as senior director for alumni programming. Snelling will work with the president and CEO,...
When school started in Tulsa, Okla., on Aug. 22, something new happened at five elementary schools. The schools and their YMCA after-school...
This report from the Juvenile Law Center shows how numerous states across the nation permit or even require the cost of court-appointed...
Sandra Gasca-Gonzalez has been appointed vice president of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s (AECF) Center for Systems Innovation.
After-school programs are increasingly expected to teach science, technology, engineering and math, but staff often have little training. How do after-school staff...
Researchers at the University of Chicago's Chapin Hall have found that traditional homelessness surveys seem to miss large swaths of young people....
Educause and the New Media Consotium take a look at the future of technology adoption and education practice changes in higher education.
The Surdna Foundation has announced the selection of Don Chen as its third president. He succeeds outgoing president, Phillip Henderson.
Doniesha Thomas is in her bedroom, crouching on the floor and peering into a pet carrier that appears empty. “He’s in there,...
Author(s): The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRC) and the Project on Academic Success (PAS), Indiana University Doug Shapiro – NSCRC Afet...
Dr. Kimberly Howard Robinson has been announced as the next executive vice president of the Forum for Youth Investment (FYI) and the...
When PBS NewsHour aired last week, the show included a story about Mighty Greens, a youth-led gardening cooperative in Washington, D.C. Not...