Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) At a time when increased attention is being paid to the fact that nearly one...
Charleston, W.Va.—Missy Miller happily serves as membership manager here at the Charleston Family YMCA, but she still plans a career in crime....
Photo: Photo courtesy of SAY San Diego—It took just a few days for Michael Carr to learn the cold realities of working...
Jill Schumann Nonprofits Changes are afoot at the Washington-based, 70-member National Human Services Assembly (NHSA) as Chairwoman Roxanne Spillett and Vice Chairman...
William T. Grant Foundation This very readable report, written by consultant and former journalist Joseph Ames, details how California implemented the largest...
Child Trends Few benefits can be gained from out-of-school programs without the active, consistent participation of youth. This brief provides ideas for...
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (Vol. 24, No. 1) In order to better understand children’s perspectives on out-of-home care, the researchers...
Editorial Projects in Education Research Center/Education Week Today’s high school graduates will need at least some college education in order to land...
National Poverty Center Using data from interviews with 1,700 single mothers of adolescents who went from welfare to full-time work, researchers found...
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative/Kids Are Waiting This report presents the latest state-by-state data on the number of youth who have aged...
Communities in Schools/National Center for Dropout Prevention The evidence compiled in this study shows that dropping out of school is almost always...
Prevention Science (June, 2007) This study of more than 7,800 high school sophomores from seven states found that boys reported higher levels...
Federal Agency Task Force for Missing and Exploited Children The fifth edition of this federal directory compiles a list of agencies and...
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine The report examines the relationship between dating violence, lifetime sexual assault and suicide attempts. Researchers found...
American youth continue to show strong preferences for specific cigarette brands – Marlboros, Newports and Camels – according to this survey of...
The U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has moved several functions to a reorganized Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), which...
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Youth participation in a school, community or faith-based activity of any kind leads to...
Gary Cain, executive director of Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, remembers nearly falling out of his chair at a board...
Oakland, Calif.—A few years ago, Amy Lemley spent her days working with foster youth and telling people about them: Charisse had her...
Nonprofits Eckerd Youth Alternatives, a major provider of services to troubled youth, recently filled two of its top spots. David Dennis was...