President Barack Obama on Tuesday ripped into what he said are Republican plans to trim funding for education by 20 percent to...
Nonprofits After six years, Mary Mentaberry resigned last month as executive director of the Reno, Nev.-based National Council of Juvenile and Family...
For-profit career colleges have mushroomed into a multibillion-dollar industry by building their brand identity around customer service. Through expensive marketing campaigns, they...
Asked how he finds time to research poor-performing schools, advocate for policy reform, operate his own built-from-scratch high school and oversee the...
A ground-breaking, year-long investigation by Youth Today has uncovered ample evidence that many youths incarcerated in American juvenile facilities are getting potent...
Allegations that physical and chemical restraints were being used at two Boys Town facilities near the Omaha headquarters campus resulted in the...
Child Trends Spirituality and religiosity levels among youth may be influenced by the historical, cultural and economic factors of their home...
The state of Nebraska lifted its hold on referrals to Boys Town’s Specialized Treatment Group Homes (TGH) Wednesday, but a referral halt...
In a politically charged Senate hearing room thick with dueling news releases and high-priced lobbyists, Sen. Tom Harkin said Thursday he will...
Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that the child poverty rate increased last year, as the number of Americans living...
The state with the nation’s most foster youths will no longer just cut them loose when they turn 18. California Gov. Arnold...
The Rural Solution: How Community Schools Can Reinvigorate Rural Education Center for American Progress For the one in five students in the...
Breaking the Mold: Combining Community Schools with Expanded Learning Time to Help Educationally Disadvantaged Students Center for American Progress Students who...
Unemployment soared between 2008 and 2009, and the majority of states saw more of their citizens living in poverty, but the number...
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is days away from signing or vetoing legislation that would extend foster care services in California to age 21...
School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Children’s Health Three Years After the Federal Mandate Robert Wood Johnson Foundation...
The Enhanced Reading Opportunities Final Report: The Impact of Supplemental Literacy Courses for Struggling Ninth-Grade Readers MDRC and American Institutes for Research...
Six Pillars of Effective Dropout Prevention Recovery Reinventing Alternative Education Jobs for the Future Most states are moving too slowly toward implementation...
Scaling the Digital Divide: Home Computer Technology and Student Achievement Urban Institute This report examines the continuing disparity in at-home computer access...
Levers for Change: Pathways for State-to-District Assistance in Underperforming School Districts Center for American Progress In order to achieve better results in...