Note: This story was corrected on Saturday, Jan. 22. The original article incorrectly stated the Illinois’ juvenile justice system had already merged...
The U.S. Department of Labor issued a solicitation for two-year colleges interested in funding from an overall pot of $2 billion to...
Training students to fill jobs in the so-called allied health professions – a category that includes scores of occupations other than doctor,...
School district spending has no clear relationship to student achievement in more than half the country, according to a new study from...
Pathological Video Game Use Among Youths: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study Pediatrics A large study of youths in Singapore led researchers to conclude...
With 2009 federal Recovery Act funding for summer jobs used up and no word yet on whether some states might be able...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Social attributes such as differences in income and race/ethnicity make a difference in how likely Americans...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued proposed nutritional guidelines under the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that will require...
A year of congressional hearings, bad publicity, falling enrollments and federal rule modifications has led to major changes in the for-profit private...
Amidst a worsening economy that many feared would heighten the demand for child welfare services in 2009, the number of substantiated abuse...
A report commissioned by a coalition of for-profit schools challenges the findings of the Government Accountability Office’s report that found alleged fraud...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued proposed nutritional guidelines under the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that will require...
What Are Business Leaders Saying about Workforce Readiness? Corporate Voices for Working Families The vast majority of America’s business leaders believe investing...
Supporters and critics of “scared straight” programs – which generally entail youths visiting prisons and prisoners in hopes that the experience will...
Despite the ongoing economic downturn and the resulting decline in state budgets, almost all states maintained or made improvements to their Medicaid...
Characteristics of Young Adult Sexual Relationships: Diverse, Sometimes Violent, Often Loving Child Trends Research Brief Data for this study was obtained from...
Unlikely Allies: Unions and Districts in the Battle for School Reform Education Sector Faced with the task of turning around failing schools...
National Center for Health Statistics The fact that children today are more likely to grow up in a non-traditional family in...
If hospital emergency room visits are any indication, prescription drugs are replacing illicit drugs as America’s preferred vice. A new government report...
With youth unemployment still near record highs, unemployed teens and young adults appear to be reacting to their situation much as their...