Mott Foundation Flint, Mich.(810) • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $600,000 for the State Fiscal and Low-Income Initiatives Project....
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Menlo Park, Calif.(650) • Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Washington, $270,000 for engaging law...
Following are selected federal grantees from lists released at the end of the fiscal year. More will be add to our site...
YouthBuild programs must wait out another funding cycle to see if a long-hoped-for budget increase will come through in the new fiscal...
Surdna FoundationNew York, N.Y.(212) 557-0010 • Artists for Humanity, Boston, $250,000 for a youth arts program. • Baltimore School for the Arts,...
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Flint, Mich. (810) 238-5651 • Whaley’s Children Center, Flint, Mich., $73,566 for capacity building. • Genesee Chamber...
Otto Bremer Foundation St. Paul, Minn. (651) 227-8036 • Parents United for Public Schools, St. Paul, $25,0000 general support. • Seward...
The David and Lucile Packard FoundationLos Altos, Calif.(650) 948-7658 • Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, a project of the Action Against Crime...
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation Arlington, Va. (703) 276-8240 • The Corps Network, Washington, $122,000 for a national program in which youth...
George Gund FoundationCleveland(216) 241-3114 • City Year, Boston, $40,000 for the Young Heroes program. • Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Cleveland, $75,000 for general...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services200 Independence Avenue, S.W.Washington, D.C. 20201(202) 619-0257www.hhs.govSee: Compassion Capitol Fund FY 2006 (pdf) U.S. Substance...
Dowload the list of DOJ grants.
Download the list of ED grants.
Dowload the list of Corporation grantees.
Download the list of HHS grants.
Download the list of OJJDP grants.
Download the list of SAMHSA grantees.
The Nord Family Foundation747 Milan Ave.Amherst, Ohio 44401 (440) • Cleveland Museum of Natural History, $5,000 to help fund the Science...
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation30 Community Dr. South Burlington, VT 05403-6828(802) 846-1500 • C-Beyond, Concord, Calif., $10,000 for youth-led leadership development programs.•...
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation1200 Mott Foundation BuildingFlint, MI(810) • Academy for Educational Development, Washington, $100,000 for the Promising Practices in Afterschool...