In Brickle’s corner of rural, western Massachusetts, where tourists flock but many locals struggle to make ends meet, she and other 13-...
In mid-February 2022, 20 young men across eight of the facilities started working on an associate’s degree from Middlesex, becoming the first...
Exalt is a nonprofit in New York City. Giselle Castro talks about Exalt's work and their "raise the age" efforts. They work...
Pressured by Worth Rises and similar advocacy groups, the Federal Communication Commission last year imposed ceilings on the costs of interstate calls...
The $800 million that the American Rescue Plan earmarked for homeless students is the largest such federal expenditure in a decade, with...
When Stephanie Hull was a kid, long before she became the CEO of Girls Inc., a national organization aimed at helping young...
Traumatic brain injury among juvenile offenders will be assessed as part of a three-year research project that’s slated to enroll the first...
So far, juvenile facilities — 789 of the 1,510 nationwide are detention centers or long-term secure facilities, the remainder are group homes,...
Next month, a $2 million pilot project will deposit $550 twice a month into the bank accounts of 30 to 40 homeless,...
“My son didn’t receive failing grades,” said Eric’s mother, who asked to go unnamed. “Every report card had a ‘P’ for passing...
Just weeks into his second prison stay — serving a 23-month sentence for charges including gun possession and attempted murder — Dedric...
For Madeline Borrelli, a special education teacher in Brooklyn, N.Y., having NYPD-trained law enforcement officers in schools is a cut-and-dry issue: “School...
Since it launched in January, 25 youth have enrolled in a three-year pilot project that pays girls and queer youth involved in...
Some among the 3,614 formerly incarcerated persons living in city shelters in 2019, as one example, spent stints in city jails for...
A project aiming to grant more Black and brown youth entry to community-based programs that are an alternative to juvenile incarceration will...
Unless accused of criminally negligent homicide, no child younger than 12 could be legally arrested, detained or brought before a judge, according...