A resource in South Dakota straight out of the Ice Age has special potential for capturing kids’ imagination and fostering interest in...
When Jane Quinn walked into the gleaming conference room at the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1990, its wide bank of...
When the cereal box slid down and dumped its contents in the toilet, the eighth graders cheered. They had successfully built a...
A college fair on Friday in New York City will be a college fair with a difference, bringing together after-school programs with...
What if a student wants to go to an after-school program but doesn’t have a ride? It’s an issue faced by most...
Children ran and played on a green lawn just outside the glass walls of Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School in Atlanta recently, as...
At the end of April, Bryan Stevenson’s Equal Justice Institute opened a striking museum and a memorial to 4,400 victims of lynching...
Youth-serving organizations are often staffed by young adults whose outlook and circumstances are different from that of their older colleagues. Sometimes young...
Leaders of summer learning programs who are now reaching out to enroll kids often have to deal with a high no-show rate.
The Tulsa Opera, yoga teachers, magicians and first responders helped after-school providers shift into high gear to provide free, full-day activities for...
The Aspen Institute is urging making schools safer by using social and emotional learning principles. “Safety is about the absence of violence,”...
Desiree Moore, 28, was taken from her home by the Administration for Children’s Services in New York City when she was 17...
Efforts to hold organizations accountable for child sexual abuse could be killed in Georgia on the last day of the state legislative...
When NAA President and CEO Gina Warner stepped to the podium at lunchtime Tuesday at the National Afterschool Association Convention, she had...
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday repeated the Trump administration's claim that no data shows after-school programs to be effective.
ATLANTA — About 1,800 after-school professionals attended workshops on social and emotional learning, effective approaches to STEM, creating high-quality programs and many...
They’re posting on social media. They’re calling and emailing members of Congress. And after-school providers are talking to parents picking up kids,...
Many afternoons, kids at Morristown High School in Morristown, New Jersey, walk over to Morristown Neighborhood House, affectionately known as Nabe.
In a replay of last year, President Donald Trump proposed scrapping the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative, the federal funding for...
Zashe Cockett-Demings pulled out a small box of worms. She stood in front of 20 students in the outdoor courtyard of Clarkston...