An Arizona education-tax initiative could be heading to court, reports The Arizona Daily Sun.
Illinois governor signs four new bills designed to improve state education, according to WREX-13.
A historic tenure reform bill in New Jersey is waiting on the governor’s signature, The Examiner Reports.
Ohio governor also signs an education bill, this one targeting third-grader reading levels, reports The Toledo Blade.
Child Welfare
Michigan earns praise from court checking on child welfare system updates, according to The Detroit Free Press.
West Virginia is making changes to its child care services support, The News and Sentinel reports.
Tennessee governor signs bill extending foster care support to age 21, reports WHNT-19.
The FBI made a nationwide child prostitution sweep leading to 104 arrests and 79 children rescued, according to CNN.
Juvenile Justice
Iowa is seeing a decrease in juvenile arrests, The Des Moines Register reports.
Chicago sees a 38 percent rise in the rate of killings, reports the New York Times.