OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Youth/Student Well-Being, College Campus Improvement, Higher Education
Deadline: Feb. 3, 2025
“The purpose of the American College Health Foundation’s (ACHF) College Well-Being Award Funding Opportunity is to offer up to two $3,500 awards to one or more institutions of higher education to create or improve underlying campus infrastructure (e.g., networks, resources, tools, structures, coalition-building) in a manner that raises the well-being of students as evidenced through creative programming and outcomes research initiatives.
The Foundation’s newest award embraces the focus on well-being, a more encompassing reference to the individuals, population, and environmental state of being. The Foundation believes it is time to apply fresh thinking on how we dedicate and apply our resources to positively impact the quality of our students lives. This new award in intended to stimulate creative, new approaches to well-being focused programming with evaluation driven measurable outcomes.”
Funder: The American College Health Foundation (ACHF)
Eligibility: “Only campus health professionals who are American College Health Association Individual Members or employed at an ACHA Member Institution are eligible to apply. If an applicant is not an Individual Member but is employed at a Member Institution, the institution’s representative individual member (RMI) must also sign the application.”
Amount: $3,500
Contact: Link →
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