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Pueblo, Colorado area children, youth and family support grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, regional, state and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child/Youth Development, Family Support, Basic Needs, Behavioral Health, Pueblo, Colorado
Jan. 16, 2025

“Investing in children, youth, and their families is a vital strategy for fostering long-term equity and prosperity. When young people are supported through safe, stable, and nurturing environments, they not only thrive in their personal development but also become valuable contributors to society. Childhood, from birth through late adolescence, is a foundational period that shapes an individual’s future relationships, behaviors, health, and overall social outcomes. Our funding strategy capitalizes on these critical developmental windows, recognizing that young people are most likely to thrive when they experience safe, stable, and nurturing environments. By empowering families, we aim to foster resilience and well-being in children, setting them up for long-term success.

To advance equity for children, youth, and their families in Pueblo County, annual funding opportunities will be available in four focus areas:

  • Basic Needs
  • Social & Emotional Well-Being
  • Behavioral Health
  • Economic Stability & Advancement

Funding opportunities are designed to be flexible, leverage community assets, and support grantee partners as they work to improve conditions for children, youth, and their families. Grant decisions will be made in alignment with the Advisory Board’s Grantmaking Guiding Principles.”

Funder: Caring for Colorado Foundation
“Caring for Colorado considers applications from organizations that benefit the people of Colorado and are: (1) Charitable, nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt classification from the Internal Revenue Service; or (2) Tax-supported institutions including state and local governments and schools.”
Amount: Up to $100,000
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