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K-12 educational youth bee hive project grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Education, K-12, Environmental Education, Youth Bee Projects, School Gardens
Oct. 15, 2024 (Traditional Part 1 and Renewal)  | Oct. 31, 2024 (Traditional)

“These grant programs allow for schools and non-profit organizations to receive support for educational beehives and bee programming so students can observe bees up close and learn about the vital role these pollinators play in our food system.

Traditional Bee Grant: The Traditional Bee Grant allows for K-12 schools or non-profit organizations that serve any grades K-12 to start a new or enhance an existing bee program hosting live bees on their campus. A choice of a monetary or equipment grant intended to support schools in bringing live bees to their campus or grow their already existing educational hive program.

Renewal Bee Grant: The Renewal Bee Grant allows for K-12 schools or non-profit organizations that have previously received a Bee Grant to receive support to grow their programs. A $500 monetary grant intended to boost or support existing educational bee programs. Applicant must have received a Traditional Bee Grant from Whole Kids Foundation in 2022 or before and completed the required Progress Report. Live bees are not required to apply for this grant.”

Funder: Whole Kids Foundation
“K-12 Schools or non-profit organizations that serve any grades K-12 in the U.S./Canada.”
Traditional Bee Grant: $1,500 or equipment | Renewal Bee Grant: $500
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