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Leveraging AI to transform education

YLeveragig AI in esucation: Young, dark-haired boy in white t-shirt and blue jeans stands next to small, round-heded white robot that is as tall as the boy's shoulder. Orange letters "AI" as large as the robot are behind both of them. All against a plain sky blue backdrop and floor.


Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE)


While the United States leads the world in AI innovation, our schools lag in preparing teachers and students for the impact of this unprecedented technological shift. In April 2024, the Center for Reinventing Public Education convened over 60 state and federal policymakers, edtech innovators, school system leaders, and advocates to discuss how AI can drive meaningful and positive change in education.

This report highlights insights from the forum, including the urgency and bold leadership necessary to shape AI’s impact on student learning. The report underscores the need for robust, forward-thinking policies and practices to navigate the integration of technology in our schools in a way that promotes equity and access, particularly for historically marginalized communities.

The report urges everyone, from teachers to governors, to treat AI as a disruptive but possibly constructive force in classrooms.

Key Takeaways

    • Think big about how AI can transform education. Leaders in education must have a clear vision for the future of education before technology can help realize that vision.
    • Help districts use AI strategically. Leaders can play a role in helping districts identify priorities and streamline funds to proven AI-enabled tools and strategies designed to solve specific problems.
    • Allocate funds to support and test AI initiatives, particularly in low-income and historically marginalized communities. Funding and evidence-building initiatives are needed to close, rather than widen, existing learning gaps.
    • Provide detailed, actionable implementation strategies to help districts navigate AI adoption effectively. State leaders must ensure schools get technical assistance and research partnerships to support them as they try various approaches.

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