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Great Lakes region K-12 youth indigenous environmental education project grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Environmental Education, Indigenous/Native Youth, K-12, Great Lakes
Mar. 1, 2024

“These programs engage youth in meaningful watershed educational experiences (MWEEs) that provide memorable hands-on, experiential learning that are not typically available within traditional classrooms. It also plays a significant role in providing professional development to classroom teachers nationwide that increases their content knowledge, skills, and pedagogical expertise. Lastly, it supports the expansion of environmental literacy in a systemic manner throughout the region, including providing support for state-level capacity building. This Great Lakes B-WET funding announcement focuses on a single priority area: MWEEs for K-12 students that incorporate Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge.

Applications for projects can come from any eligible applicant, however, involvement, coordination and support from an Indigenous organization or Tribal Government is required. To document the level of support and engagement from the Indigenous organization or government, official letters of collaboration from Indigenous entities are required with proposals.”

Funder: Department of Commerce
“K-12 public and independent schools and school systems; institutions of higher education; nonprofit organizations; regional, state or local government agencies; interstate agencies; and Indian tribal governments. For-profit organizations, foreign organizations, and foreign public entities are not eligible to apply, however, for-profit and foreign organizations and foreign public entities may participate as a project partner with an eligible applicant.”
$50,000 – $100,000
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