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Greater Chicago area women of color leadership program

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Women of Color, Gender Equity, Leadership, Professional Development, Chicago
Oct. 10, 2023

“Cultivate: Women* of Color Leadership (Cultivate) program is a joint effort of the Chicago Foundation for Women (CFW), Crossroads Fund, Walder Foundation, Woods Fund Chicago and the Chicago Community Trust. Cultivate envisions a world where women of color are wielding their innate and collective leadership to free society from structural racism and all systems of oppression. Through this work, they will bring forth a world where women of color are fully accepted, celebrated, respected and valued.
*trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming and nonbinary individuals.

The goals of Cultivate are to:

  1. Support the personal and professional development of women of color leaders, working in advocacy, community organizing and movement building.
  2. Reclaim a framework that intentionally utilizes an intersectional racial, economic and gender justice framework.
  3. Build a brave and healthy space for all women of color to discuss and learn about indigenous models of leadership and organizational development.
  4. Advance the sustainability and longevity of individual women of color leadership, while enabling a pipeline for leaders to emerge
  5. Nurture relationships to create a connected community across organizations, foundations, program alumni and their various fields of work.
  6. Model promising practices on supporting women of color working in philanthropy, both in their personal and professional growth, as they influence the sector.”

Funders: The Chicago Foundation for Women, Crossroads Fund, Walder Foundation, Woods Fund Chicago and the Chicago Community Trust
“Woman, woman identifying, non-binary, and two-spirited persons of color in emerging leadership positions in a nonprofit organization in greater Chicago.”
Amount: Unspecified
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