
Youth with disabilities employment outcomes improvement grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Youth w/ Disabilities, Youth Employment, Youth Outcomes, Workforce Development
Oct. 31, 2023

“The primary goals of the ETM Demonstration Grants are to improve the employment outcomes of multiply marginalized people with disabilities, specifically youth and young adults with disabilities (Y&YAD), as well as to increase states’ capacity to develop innovative employment strategies for underserved Y&YAD and their families. The ETM grants will support up to four grantees in developing scalable strategies to enable multiply marginalized Y&YAD ages 14 to 24 to successfully transition into the workforce. ETM Demonstration Grant applicants will identify specific target population(s) based on data analysis and needs assessments.

For example, applicants may focus on low-income Y&YAD as well as those experiencing homelessness, leaving foster care, or involved in the justice system. Applicants may also focus on underserved Y&YAD populations identified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), such as youth receiving Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) benefits, youth potentially eligible for SSI, or youth whose low earnings may lead them to apply for SSI benefits as adults.”

Funder: Office of Disability Employment Policy
Eligibility: “(1) State governments include state departments of labor, state workforce development agencies, or an equivalent state agency  with responsibility for labor, employment, education, health and human services, vocational rehabilitation services, and/or workforce development; and
(2) Federally recognized Native American Tribal governments include entities described in section 166(c) of WIOA relating to Indian and Native American programs.  These entities include Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-controlled organizations serving Indians, or Native Hawaiian organizations.”
Amount: Up to $3,246,250

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