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Healthcare access for the disadvantaged in Massachusetts program grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Health, Healthcare Access, Healthcare Inequity, Racial Inequity, Massachusetts
Sept. 11, 2023

“The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) Foundation’s Special Initiatives grant program provides organizations with a one-time grant of up to $50,000 to pilot or launch a new project over a one-year period. Special Initiative grants are intended to fund projects which empower communities to advance health equity at the community level. Projects should positively impact the health or health care related needs of those Massachusetts residents who have been economically, socially, culturally, or racially marginalized. If successful, it is hoped that these projects can be sustained, scaled, and potentially, replicated.

Special Initiative grant proposals must align with one or more of the Foundation’s three focus areas: access to health coverage and care, access to behavioral health services, and elimination of structural racism and racial inequities in health. Projects must serve the Foundation’s populations of focus: Massachusetts residents who are economically, racially, culturally, or socially marginalized.”

Funder: The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) Foundation
“Organizations with a 501c (3) tax-exempt nonprofit designation from the IRS or operate under the fiscal sponsorship of a tax-exempt nonprofit. The applicant organization must be incorporated in Massachusetts. Organizations that primarily serve people who have been socially, economically, culturally, or racially marginalized. The Foundation is especially interested in funding organizations that are people of color-led and/or whose leadership reflects the demographic composition and lived experiences of the communities they serve.”
Amount: Up to $50,000

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