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National child welfare workforce development program grant

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child Welfare, Workforce Development, Child Well-being, Job/Career Training
July 31, 2023

This NOFO will establish, by awarding one cooperative agreement, a National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI) to advance federal priorities to improve safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes. The NCWWI will work with jurisdictions (states, territories, tribes) to diversify the child welfare workforce at all levels and to improve performance, well-being, and recruitment practices.

The NCWWI will work closely with jurisdictions in the development and complete a broad range of technical assistance and training activities that promote innovative, promising, and evidence-informed child welfare workforce practices; support workforce and leadership development; improve agency culture and climate and increase retention, and increase culturally responsive practice. To specifically address the workforce crisis, the NCWWI will play a national leadership role in child welfare workforce development and recruitment to include support of university-agency partnerships and launch of a national awareness campaign to address both recruitment and retention challenges in child welfare that will change public perception.

CB intends to continue a multi-pronged approach to building the capacity of the child welfare workforce, building upon the lessons learned through previous CB workforce initiatives, using workforce metrics and best practices to inform and develop optimal technical assistance/training, and implementing evidence-informed or evidence-based strategies to improve overall practice.”

Funder: Administration for Children and Families – Children’s Bureau (CB)
Public or other non-profit institutions of higher learning and to public or other non-profit agencies and organizations engaged in research or child welfare activities. Institutions of higher education may receive awards provided they are not for-profit entities. CB will accept applications that represent partnerships among organizations with relevant experience.
$4,000,000 – $5,000,000

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